
Showing posts from August, 2020

Hack the World: Let Us Hack Ethically

Hacking is gaining information of the weakness of a computer resources system and there after access into it, without his or her permission. Hacking can be interpreted as unlawful criminal trespass into others’ computer resources. Word hacking is a fascinating term which inspires curiosities in the mind of the people at large in the society. I can recollect, few years’ earlier, in the Calcutta book fair, one married lady approached me with a question whether there was any book, by reading of which she could hack various chat-apps used by her husband as she had suspicions that her husband might had illicit relationship with any other ladies. Movies capturing the art and life of various hackers have mesmerized us for long. The biggest question is not how to hack but which is ethical and which is not. There are thousands of free tools or opensource software which may allure you to hack others but what will be the aftermath or the consequence of the same. There are thousands of videos or...

Latest Consumer Protection Law to Safeguard Online Consumers In India

Today, the major portion of consumers in India like the other developed and developing countries are purchasing or availing goods or services or attempting to purchase goods or services through the cyber world. On the above score, e-commerce industry has thrived its best in the last few years. Specially, in the present situation of prolonged lockdown, testing the very existence of civilization, when people are hardly going out of their houses or avoiding direct purchase from the physical market or the physical world, the business of the e-commerce industry is reaching its pinnacle. People at large in the society are purchasing goods or services through various online platforms which may be either direct e-commerce entity or market place of e-commerce entity. Everyday majority of contract are made through virtual world wherein some or every part of a valid contract is executed through virtual world. Though, the previous Consumer Protection Act, 1986 and our existing Contract Act does no...

Do we really have a Data-Independent / Data-Sovereign Country?

DATA AND THE MODERN ERA:   It is accepted that Data is the ‘Air’ or ‘Oil’ of the modern ear. An individual, along with his biometric or other personally identifiable information or data, is represented by a Data packet. There are people who are called as data brokers who deal with (collect, package, and even sell out) different types of Personally Identifiable Information of us i.e. our name, picture, contact details, location data, race, sexual orientation, genetic information and face orientation etc., without our permission or knowledge though we own those data. Even the different e-commerce and social site companies are collecting, storing and tracking our data. Our every purchase, every journey, every likes and dislikes, hobbies, thinking and thus every part of our life are digitised, tracked and logged. The corner stone of all the laws in the world is human dignity but the modern-day technology especially artificial intelligence, Big data analytics etc. have posed a great cha...

65B Certificate Format | Certificate u/s 65B Indian evidence act

In   my earlier blog-post ,   I have discussed about the latest judgement by Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, wherein in the event the original device can not be produced before the Learned Court, the party proving the electronic evidence has to give statement u/s 65B of the Indian Evidence Act. We know that in electronic evidence collection, it is not always easy to bring the original device before the learned Court, as in most of the cases the data are collected from internet or virtual world, where the data are stored in various server whose location in many cases is beyond India. Section 65A of Indian Evidence Act says :  “The contents of electronic records may be proved in accordance with the provisions of section 65B.” Hence everyone who wants to adduce electronic evidence and where there is no possibilities that the original device can be brought before the Court, Certificate under section 65B is a mandatory one. Hence everyone should know how to write or draft cer...

What A Common Man Should Do To Prevent Cyber Crime? (In Bengali) সাইবার অপরাধ রোধে একজন সাধারণ মানুষের কী কী করা উচিত ?

কম্পিউটার , মোবাইল , স্মার্টফোন   ইত্যাদি দ্বারা আজ জ্ঞাতসারে বা অজ্ঞাতসারে কোন না কোন ভাবে দিনের কোন একটা সময় আমরা সাইবার জগৎ বা এই ভার্চুয়াল জগতের মধ্যে ঢুকে পরি এবং এই আষ্টেপৃষ্টে বাধা জগতটার ক্ষতিকারক দিক থেকে আমরা কিভাবে বাঁচব তা আমাদের সকলকেই জানতে হবে । আমার মতে প্রতিটি সাধারণ মানুষের সাইবার ক্রাইম থেকে বাঁচার জন্য নিম্নলিখিত বিষয়গুলো জানা এবং মেনে চলা উচিত : প্রথমত : আমরা এই ধরণের অভিযোগ থাকলে নিকটাবর্তী থানায় অভিযোগ জানাতে পারি। কোলকাতার লোকদের সুখবর তাদের জন্য লালবাজারে নির্দিষ্ট সাইবার পুলিস স্টেশণ আছে। অন্যজায়গাতেও এর বিকল্প ব্যবস্থা আছে। কোন রকম অশ্লীল মেল বা পোস্ট যদি আপনার কাছে আসে সেক্ষেত্রে নির্দি ষ্ট থানায় অভিযোগের সাথে ঐ মেল বা পোস্টের একটা প্রিন্ট দেবেন এবং আপত্তিজনক সাইটের ইউআরএল সংরক্ষণ করুন এবং তদন্ত কর্তৃপক্ষকে সরবরাহ করুন | ফেসবুকের বা অন্য সাইটের লগ ফাইলের ডেটা অক্ষত থাকা দরকার। থানায় অভিযোগ জানানো ছাড়া ও তথ্যপ্রযুক্তি আইনের যে কোন ধারায় অপরাধ করলে ৫ কোটি টাকা পর্যন্ত ক্ষতিপূরণের জন্য অ্যাডজুডিকেটার...